Sunday, September 12, 2010

In need of a good weekend

Look! I'm still alive. For now at least. And I come with good news on the progression of my Junior year at New York University. I am currently sitting in on an orchestra rehearsal for "The Fix", which by the way is this killer rock musical that the NYU Steinhardt Vocal department is putting on. You all should totally come see it. It runs Sept. 30th through Oct. 4th and if you are a student it is totally worth the 5 bucks it costs to get in. You can pick up tickets from NYU Ticket Central. Do it. Tickets are selling fast and it is reserved seating. You don't wanna end up in the back of the house.

Anyway, I have two and a half more hours of rehearsal tonight so I will do my best to make this a decent update to my blog. Of course, unlike my friends, my blogs do not contain any substantial information on current events or philosophical notions, not usually.

So... Basically my days all start at 6:30 in the morning when my phone alarm rings and I quickly grab it so I don't piss off my new roommates. I have two roommates this year in the Lafayette dorm down on 80 Lafayette Street (Which is Chinatown essentially). Their names are Min and Li. Anyway, I then shower, shave, and brush my teeth. I send out any last minute e-mails and, if I have time, I watch half of some episode of whatever TV show I'm watching at the moment and run down the stairs so that I can walk the 22 minutes up Lafayette or Broadway to school or work. Either way it always starts at 8am. Monday and Wednesday I have work in the morning and on Tuesday and Thursday I have 8am Intermediate Tap dance. My Mondays are straight work and my only day off of rehearsal. In late September I'll start taking my boss's daughter to ballet at Lincoln Center. Her name is Tiffany and one of my favorite things about my job is interacting with her. (I'm a kid person. I spent my whole morning today on the train making faces at a baby). My Tuesdays and Thursdays are almost identical except that I have my voice lesson on Tuesday at 2. On those days I have 8am-9:15 Tap, 9:30-12noon Vocal Repertoire, 12:30-1:55pm Creative Movement, 3:30-4:45 I used to have Quantitative Reasoning but I just switched into a beginner computer programming class (The good thing about this is that my final will be to create a website which I'd have to do my senior year anyway for my audition workshop class and computer skills will always be applicable where statistic most likely will not serve me well in the future, at least not often). Oh! And Tuesday I also have a Music History I class that I forgot about 4:55-6:35. Not on Thursday. Wednesday I have work from 8am-3:00pm, Collegium Meeting at 3:30, and Music History III from 4:55pm-6:35. Friday I'm lucky enough just to have Tap for 2 and half hours at 4pm to 6:30pm. And every day but Monday I have rehearsal 6:30pm to 11:30pm. On the weekends I have rehearsal from 10am to 6pm. Although tonight I came in late by 4 hours and I'm staying through the orchestra rehearsal until 10:30 so I can clean u for the classes that come in here tomorrow.

If you didn't already see or you are a new viewer I am currently the ASM (Assistant Stage Manager) for "The Fix". I share this job with two other wonderful people, Megan and Drew. So basically I just stick around until someone needs me to run an errand. Usually Alix Claps (Production Stage Manager), John Simpkins (Director), or Stan Tucker (Music Director).

As for my job, I am currently a personal assistant for a professor at the Silver School of Social Work. For this job I do basically everything from grading papers to booking flights to editing video to analyzing quantitative data to writing abstracts and presentations to editing to making copies and to random tasks whenever they are needed (such as writing a Last Will and Testament and filling out Tax Return forms). You know, all those terrible things that you have to do as a personal assistant. But I don't hate my job. On the contrary I love to be busy, I'd rather be doing work then sitting home in my room doing nothing (watching tv on megavideo). And lord knows I need the money.

Also, for the year I've made a list of resolutions. Although I hate using that term because I feel like it will be unlucky in success. So lets call them goals for the new year. I hope to make calendars to post in my room so that I can keep track of myself. I know that nothing can be fully changed right away. It's a gradual process. Benjamin Franklin did the same thing, keeping track of every time he screwed up on achieving his goals so that he could compare and see his progress from month to month. So wish me luck on those. I can clue you in on some of them in a later post I suppose. I'll have plenty of rehearsal time to work on this.

Anyway, so I guess this is good night. I'm on to other things on the internet. I'll talk to you later.

Also!!! I've been trying to listen to a new musical soundtrack every two days. I've gotten through quite a few so far and I'll probably start using this blog to write reviews for them.

And I am looking into transferring my blog over to wordpress instead of using blogger. Let me know how you feel about this.

Except you Ani. I already know how you feel. Thank you.
